Well I’m most excited to be hosting this months Credit Crunch Munch challenge. If you read my blog regularly, you’ll know that I often enter this challenge which is the brain child of two fabulous blogs – Fab Food 4 All and Fuss Free Flavours. Although this is a blog challenge, its a great source of inspiration and recipes for non bloggers too! 

As usual you can enter any type of dish you wish as long as it fits within the suggestions below. Now that we’re well into Spring, maybe we’ll see more salads and fresh flavours coming through? I’m excited to see what you all come up with! So on to the challenge, if you’re not familiar with it, it’s all about sharing how you can spend less or save money whilst still enjoying great food. Things to enter could be:

  • Dishes using cheaper ingredients
  • Cheap cuts of meat or vegetarian
  • Meals using leftovers
  • Meals using up the ends of packets
  • Substitutions of cheaper ingredients
  • Packed lunches
  • Meals that use less energy to cook
  • Pressure cooking
  • Slow cooking
  • Faster cooking – less oven time for example
  • Batch cooking for the freezer
  • Sustainable foods
  • Food you have grown yourself
  • Meals from reduced food in the supermarket 
To take part, simply blog about any money saving idea that is food related. 
There are a few rules:
Please link to the Credit Crunch Munch pages on Camilla and Helen’s blogs.

Please link to my blog using the linky below.
Please use the Credit Crunch Munch Badge
Tweet using #creditcrunchmunch so that we can RT you! 

Closing date is 31 May 2014.

The important info: 
By entering you are agreeing to let us use an image from your entry on this site, and to pin to Pinterest.
Please be respectful of other people’s copyright when blogging. But feel free to send to as many other events as you like, let’s help everyone save money!
To enter just fill in the linky below which you can also share on your post if you wish.  
4 thought on “Credit Crunch Munch – May 2014”
  1. Nice to meet another 5 foot something person 🙂 Sharing my vegan Ginger Chocolate Cake with you. Lovely to make your acquaintance through CCM

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