If you’ve been following Gingey Bites for any length of time, you’ll know that instant noodles are a pantry staple in my house. They’re quick, easy, and just oh-so-satisfying! I love the range of flavours, noodle types, consistency etc… so many options and a relatively cheap meal too (but watch out for your salt intake!!).
Master who?
This is a Chinese brand, Kang Shi Fu, which means Master Kong in English. I assume that little guy with the chef’s hat on is Master Kong himself! Kang Shi Fu is the largest producer of instant noodles in China and once you spot the little guy, you’ll see him everywhere with many instant noodles and noodle cups on sale in Chinese supermarkets here in the UK.
Cooking and eating time
Well, I’ll be honest, I’m not fluent in Mandarin and google translate gave me nothing so I guessed at how to prepare these noodles. I’ve made enough in my time to assume I was doing it right – around 350ml boiling water – add the noodles and cook for 3-4 mins with the sauce, seasoning and vegetables. So, easy peasy standard instant noodle prep here. And if I was wrong, it still worked out pretty well.
Now, the moment of truth – what did they taste like? Bloody gorgeous! Surprisingly so! A very low lying spice but a deep beefy taste that was both comforting and satisfying. I always find that the instant noodles that come with a wet seasoning (usually bound in oil) are more flavourful than those with just powder and this was no exception. The veggies plumped up well and even included a couple of meaty blobs. Potentially beef? Possibly not but the effect was there.
Scores on the doors
A big success and definitely a buy again situation. Office friendly and not spicy so a good lunch time option. The portion wasn’t massive so you could get away with eating these for a snack too if you were starving between lunch and dinner, or… just home from the pub!
- Flavour – 9/10
- Texture – 6/10
- Ease of making – 8/10
TOTAL: 23/30
Buy again? Yes most definitely!
Want more instant noodles?
See more reviews and decide which instant noodles you’re going to eat next here. Fancy contributing a guest post? Drop me an email on hello@gingeybites.com now!