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Donna Hay Modern Baking

You all know by now that I have more than a slight obsession with cookbooks. I scour the charity shops and love visiting bookshops. And I’m lucky enough that sometimes, I get sent them too. Earlier this week I was sent a copy of Modern Baking – cakes, cookies and everything in between by Donna Hay. And oh wow, this is a gorgeous book.

Released TODAY, this is a big, bible-like book with literally hundreds of recipes covering everything indulgent – from chocolate to toffee, sugar and spice. I love the weight of it and I love the stunning, drool worthy photography. Each page is a treat, stuffed to the brim with full page cake close ups, dripping spoons and oozy cookies. Do not read this hungry.

Where to start?

After sitting down with a cup of tea and eager eyes, I really struggled to decide what to make first. The book is split into chapters: chocolate, caramel, toffee & coffee, sugar and spaice, friut and berries and finally, milk and cream. Then, within each category you have quick fixes and fresh and light. This categorisation is really useful when it comes to narrowing down what to make next!

What did I go for you ask? Well, it’s got to be chocolate right? And it’s got to be salted because, well you all know me by now. So first up on my bake list is Donna’s salted peanut butter and choc-chip skillet cookies. The recipe is just one paragraph long and looks easy to make thanks to no nonense instructions. Watch this space to see how they turn out!

Caramel Cheesecake from Donna Hay
Oozey Gooey Caramel Cheesecake
Raw Caramel Slice Modern Baking cookbook
Raw Caramel Slice
Donna Hay Modern Baking
Quick Fixes
Blackberry and Elderflower pie cookbook
Blackberry and Elderflower pie

Next up, it’s got to be her dreamy sticky date meringue cake. Dave’s a HUGE meringue fan so perhaps it can be a weekend treat for him. No doubt, he’ll eat the lot in one sitting though!

Would you like to win a copy? Of course you would! 

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a Rafflecopter giveaway

91 thoughts on “Modern Baking by Donna Hay

  1. Baking is becoming one of my favorite things and I would love to own such a comprehensive and beautiful cookbook to help me along! Just look at those lovely pictures and delicious treats!

  2. I love baking but don’t do it often because I’m not very creative! This book would be great to give me some baking ideas

  3. I love cook books and am always looking for a new one. My 3 girls would love us to tr6 out some of these lovely recipes.

  4. I’d like to win because I’m always keen to see new books on baking, and I like the sound of the way this is divided and laid out 🙂 looks easy to follow!

  5. I’m looking to expand my skills, and my eldest is doing a chef course – think he needs to practise for us at home lol!!

  6. My daughter has recently got an interest in baking and I love making sweet treats with her. This book would give us some more inspiration

  7. I’d like to win as lately i’ve been trying to up my list of recipes i’m good at. As everyone says they love my Brookie but i’m sure theyd like some variety

  8. I’ve got out of the habit of baking since having my little girl. However, she is 2 now and discovering the joys of cakes & biscuits! I have been meaning to start baking with her, it would be so much fun & hopefully create wonderful memories for her. She has been enjoying some of the chocolate bites at Gail’s Bakeries lately, and likes peanut butter, so the salted peanut butter and choc-chip skillet cookies could be great place to start!

  9. I would love to win this as I’ve been a savoury kind of gal all my life, and that’s where my cooking skills lay. I finally created pastry to be proud of at the weekend (seriously, it was awesome, flaky, buttery, goodness). I would love to play around with baking a bit more now.

  10. Me and my fiance love baking every sunday! We would love to get creative rather than the standard cookies and muffins 🙂

  11. I see Donna Hay recipes in the Times Magazine on a Saturday and WOW, they look AMAZING!! To have a book filled with her beautiful bakes would be a real inspiration in the kitchen.
    Thanks for a fabulous giveaway 🙂

  12. I’m not one of these people who can just make things up as I go along. I definitely need instruction. This would help me get through the christmas season without buying everything pre made.

  13. My husband has just got into baking and is doing quite well. He has a very stressful job and baking is an instant result kind of hobby that people apprieate. People really do need time out and baking is a relatively low cost hobby to get into.

  14. I like to try new recipes. a cookery book is perfect for that plus i can find more egg free recipes that i can teach my 10 y stepdaughter

  15. I love cookery books with colour pictures and this one looks very inspiring with irresistible recipes, and i am sure i would be creating lots of baking treats for my family and friends

  16. i ADORE BAKING AND COOKING, IT IS MY PASSION, but I can’t cook all the time so get enjoyment reading about cooking adn recipes., this looks like my sort of cookbook, love good illustrations

  17. I’ve cooked many Donna Hay healthy recipes when I was in Australia years ago. My baking experience is limited to say the least because I need inspiration of the modern kind. I am pretty sure this book would get me inspired and baking for all the family.

  18. I love to find different things to bake, I like to make my own, it tastes so much nicer than buying it from the shop

  19. I used to love baking a lot but busy life with kids and work have made me put it on the back burner. The recipes in Modern Baking look so delicious, I believe it would re-ignite my passion!

  20. Definitely my type of cook book. My mouth was watering just reading the info about it. Luckily I have some willing “guinea pigs” who will try my baking and give me constructive criticism and we have been known to tweak an odd recipe here and there. Plus it would be lovely to bake something new for our next-door neighbour, who works long hours but will help out if you need him to, but will take payment in “goodies” not cash, even then you have to force it on him as he says “if neighbours can’t help each other out without expecting something in return, what’s the point in helping out to start with”.

  21. This year I was diagnosed with a life-changing medical condition, the result of which meant I had to give up my full-time job and seek an alternative part-time job. I am often stuck in the house, in serious amounts of pain, and feeling very sorry for myself, so I taught myself to bake as a way to help me cope with this massive change in my life. I am now able to whip up basic sponges, scones, cupcakes and muffins and am extremely proud of how far my baking skills have come in such a short time. This would be an amazing book to win, as it would inspire me to become even more creative, develop and advance my baking and help me to learn new culinary skills.

  22. Because i have just promised my son i will make a cake for his school’s cake sale day and i have bo idea what i’am doing….help a mum out!!!

  23. I love baking and food always tastes so much better when it’s homemade. I love experimenting with new recipes x

  24. I love baking but I get a bit stuck in a rut baking the same things time after time, I’d love this recipe book to provide me with some inspiration

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