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A few weeks ago I joined a few of Bristol’s best bloggers for a taster evening at The Little Kitchen cookery school in Brislington. I’d never been before but knew about it thanks to our friend who is a huge fan.

The Little Kitchen is a really informal, friendly space designed for small groups. There were just five of us at the workshop and the maximum group size is 8. Co-owners Claire and Madeline are old friends who decided a few years ago to quit their jobs (in food and catering) in order to follow their dream of starting their own cookery school.

We were there for a taster evening and spent a leisurely few hours making dishes from two of their courses on street food and chocolate.  To start with Madeline showed us how to make summer rolls. The flimsy rice paper rolls are really tricky to fill and roll. It’s definitely not as easy as it looks! Ours were vegetarian, filled with cucumber, peppers, salad and vermicelli noodles. Delicious dunked in either nuac cham dipping sauce or sweet chilli for vegetarians.  I think the idea was that we could try one and take the rest home but I gobbled all three of mine up!

Next, we made chocolate truffles with Louise. She’s the chocolate tutor at the Little Kitchen and knows everything about cakes, truffles and all things choccy. We decorated our truffles with coconut, cocoa and rose petals and Nutella-style with chopped hazelnuts. The hardest part was wrapping and decorating the truffles. Everyone around the table made it look easy!

Bristol bloggers Shonette and Ella
Shonette and Ella showing us how it’s done!

I really enjoyed my time at the Little Kitchen because it feels so friendly and informal. I think that even nervous cooks would feel relaxed there. Sometimes cookery schools can be a little daunting, especially if you’re not that good at cooking. I’ve experienced classes where the tutor stands at the front whizzing through everything. This is not like that at all. It’s a fun, educational space and I think you’d get a buzz out of going both on your own and in a group of friends! 

Bristol Bloggers at Little Kitchen
From left to right: Ella (Bristol Food Love), Madeline (Little Kitchen Owner), Louise (Little Kitchen Tutor), Shonette (A Life Less Organised), Kate (Bristol Etc), Faye (I Wish I Could Wink) and me!!

The Little Kitchen gets a huge thumbs up from me. Why not check them out on Instagram or visit their website to see a full list of courses on offer? 

25 thoughts on “Bloggers Meet at The Little Kitchen, Bristol

  1. The Little Kitchen looks amazing. The summer rolls and chocolate truffels look delicious. I will definitely check them out on social media.

  2. Those truffles look incredible. Cookery classes seem so much fun, maybe I’ll have to put it on my list to go to one! I wish I was a bit nearer to Bristol to try here though.

    1. Even if you’re good at cooking, I find classes like these really fun to attend anyway, especially when it’s a small, informal place like The Little Kitchen!

  3. The summer rolls reminds me of making sushi! Its wuite difficult at first! Looks like you had a great lesson and made some tasty looking chocolate truffles!

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