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melted snowman cookies

People assume I’m great at baking because I write a food blog but as anyone who reads Gingey Bites (or follows me on Instagram), will know that I’m a savoury girl at heart. It’s all about curry, gravy, ramen and burgers. That said, occasionally I do fancy something sweet.

Feeling festive and facing a Christmas themed bake-off at work I decided to give a go at melted snowman cookies. Turns out that I’m still not great at baking but they were fun to make and cute to look at. I’m pretty sure my boss beat me hands down with her amazing chocolate orange cake but these cookies made people laugh and that’s good enough for me!

How did I make them?

This is not my recipe so I’m going to link you to the places I used although if you google it, plenty of options will come up:

  • Vanilla cookie base – I used this iced biscuits recipe from BBC Food (minus the iced part).
  • Melted snowman decoration – there are SO many examples on Pinterest!

For the melted snowman decorations – I used fruit salad sweets (cut into slithers) for noses, chocolate beans and festive sprinkles for their buttons and chocolate writing icing on their faces and arms. The heads are white marshmallows and then you just need to make some icing on their melted bodies! It’s a little tricky to start with but once you get the hang of it, they’re quite fast to do! Work fast with the icing as it’s harder to smooth out when it’s drying!

What do you think? As I said, baking is not my forte! And, I was tempted to tell my colleagues that a child helped me decorate them (and not my 31-year-old boyfriend!) but you know what, they were fun to make and raised a smile. The perfect festive biscuit!

10 thoughts on “Melted Snowman Cookies

  1. These look so fun! I like the slightly dishevelled feel to them – it fits the theme far better than a polished melting snowman (as if there is such a thing).

    C x

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