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I was sent the VonShef mini chopper free of charge. All opinions are my own. 

This is a super quick green sauce which pairs with most midweek meal staples – pasta, roasted veg, salmon or chicken. Here it is with gnocchi (pre-prepared cheat from Waitrose) and some king prawns I had in the freezer. I used the VonShef mini chopper which is now permanently out on my worktop and the whole thing was on the table within thirty minutes! Jamie Oliver eat your heart out!

Green sauce ingredients and the VonShef
Green sauce ingredients and the VonShef

I’ve always wanted a mini chopper as I find that while food processors are great, they can be a bit of a faff when you’re doing something quick. I’m really pleased with this one, its small, practical and strong. I’m looking forward to whipping up curry pastes, pestos and more in it!

The VonShef in action
The VonShef in action

Here’s my quick green sauce:


  • Salted butter
  • 1 clove garlic, minced finely
  • Fresh Basil
  • Fresh Parsley
  • Salt and Pepper
  • Cream
  • Lemon


  • Take a handful of basil and parsley and put them into the mini chopper (removing any tough stalks).
  • Add the cream and pulse until the mixture turns a vibrant green and the herbs are chopped finely. Add a squeeze of lemon juice and salt and pepper to taste.
  • In a frying pan add a small about of butter or oil and fry the garlic for a few minutes until soft. Add the herby cream and allow it to heat through gently.
  • Once heated through, check the seasoning and add to your chosen base. Voila!
Gnocchi with green sauce
Gnocchi with green sauce

Why not try these quick sauce recipes too?

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