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Smashed Avocado and Feta

I’ve been thinking a lot about brunch recently. And eating a lot of it too. It’s a very Melbournian thing to do apparently. And as the new year approached, I had a brainwave! It’s this – my new monthly ‘Weekend Brunch Club’ series. 

I’ll be blogging a brunch recipe on the last weekend of every month to celebrate what is fast becoming my favourite meal of the day. I’ve also set up a linky so if you’re a blogger, head over to my Weekend Bruch Club page to find out how you can get involved! Yayyyy… go go go! 

Now, without further avo ado, let’s get started with the undisputed King of Aussie brunch – SMASHED AVS ON TOAST.

Smashed avocado on toast has caused something of a controversy in Australian politics recently, with senator Peter Whish-Wilson arguing that the reason their young adults can’t get on the housing ladder is because they are spending all their free cash on smashed avocado brunches! Given that our generation generally drinks and smokes less than our parents did, soaring house prices (here and at home) and the fact that it was way easier to get a mortgage back then are by the by. Still, it made me chuckle.


Smashed avs two ways: with feta, lemon & mint and feta, poached egg & coconut sambal.  

Ingredients (serves 2):

  • 100g feta cheese 
  • 1 large avocado 
  • 4 slices of your favourite bread – I used wholegrain here. 
  • 2 eggs 
  • Half a lemon 
  • Sea salt & pepper for seasoning 
  • A small handful of fresh mint leaves
  • 1 tbsp coconut sambal – you can buy this from international supermarkets. I love this one –> It’s Sri Lankan! It’s full of spice! If you can’t find it, use sriracha! 
  • Put a saucepan of water on to boil for your eggs. I add a splash of vinegar to help keep your eggs together whilst they poach.
  • Cube the avocado flesh and half the feta and put them into a bowl. Mashe with a fork until mixed but not smooth. You want some texture. Cover and leave to one side.
  • Put your toast under the grill, lightly browning both sides. Once done, spread the avocado/feta mix onto your toast.
  • As soon as your water is boiling, turn the heat down and crack the eggs gently into the water. For runny yolks, they need around 4-5 minutes.
  • One done, gently lift out of the water, removing any scummy bits, and put on paper towel covered plate.
  • Place the poached eggs on one slice of toast each. Sprinkle with sambal (or drizzle with sriracha), salt and pepper.
  • On the other two pieces of toast, sprinkle the remaining feta and torn mint leaves. Season with salt and pepper and a squeeze of lemon juice.

0 thoughts on “Smashed Avocado & Feta Two Ways

  1. Your brunch idea sounds amazing! I love avocados and feta but for some reason never thought of serving them together. And addition of sambal makes it even better. One of my favourite condiments, but I haven't had it in ages. I need to take a trip to my local international food hall… I will be submitting something for your link-up shortly.

  2. Well I knew avocados had a lot to answer for, but house prices? Really? I adore avocado and anything on toast, so yes please to this. Melbourne was where I first came across the concept of brunch – yum!

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