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Japan Floating Tori Gate

Aside from all the dead celebrities and political horror show both at home and in the US, 2016 was a big year for me in terms of change. In a nutshell, I quit my full-time job to work for myself, moved 150 miles away from home and then, in October, left the UK to travel for six months. My wanderlust is strong right now and the ‘list’ grows longer by the day as you’ll see with this Travel Whispers challenge! 

Mie ayam food cart in Bali

When I saw the Travel Whispers challenge on Young and Undecided‘s blog I knew I had join! And although I’m a little late (what with it actually being 2017 now) I hope you enjoy the read. I’ll be answering ten travel questions which were originally posed and answered by Stephanie Fox on her blog and are now being answered by travel bloggers all over the place! 

1. If you had to move to a country that you’ve NEVER been to, and live there for ten years, where would you go?

This is so tricky but I think it’d have to be somewhere in Japan. I’ve only ever heard good things and I know from TV, films and online that there are some seriously beautiful places there. Mainly though, it’d be for the food. I could eat Japanese food every single day and never get bored of it!  Give me gyoza, ramen and sushi and I’m one happy girl.  
Japan, Dave Parry
Miyajima Floating Torii Gate – pic by Dave in 2010.


2. If you had to live in a hotel for the rest of your life, which hotel would you choose and why?

Easy. It’d be the Heritage Awali in Mauritius. It doesn’t have the feel of large all inclusive hotels and the restaurants there serve stunningly good food and bloody mary’s sent straight from heaven. Right on the beach but with gorgeous pools too. I just loved my time there.  I also feel like it’s peaceful enough to work from but without feeling too remote.


3. If you could only eat the cuisine of one nationality forever more, which would you choose?

Can I say Asian food or is that too broad? Let’s go with Japanese again. There is such variety that I don’t think I’d ever get bored. From spicy broths and ramen dishes with noodles to healthy fresh sushi and things like shabu shabu. Oh and don’t even get me started on gyoza.  Edit: Since writing this, I have in fact now been to Japan! See my posts on the trip here.
Pan-fried gyoza & green tea in Melbourne

4. Who has given you ‘holiday envy’ this year, and how?

That’d have to be Kavey Eats – a fellow food blogger. She’s just been on so many incredible trips and always blogs so eloquently about her experiences. Her Japan posts are full of cherry blossom and plates of food. She went to Canada earlier this year too and taught me that despite what people say, there is a foodie culture there if you look in the right places. Follow her Instagram hereOther than that, Instagram gives me daily holiday envy on a daily basis. I follow too many travel bloggers!! 

5. If you had to look at the same sunrise or the same sunset every day, where in the world would you never get bored of seeing? Please don’t say sitting outside Cafe Mambo in Ibiza.

We saw a beautiful sunset just recently in Bali. We had a perfect ringside seat for it at Potato Head Beach Club and enjoyed cocktails as the sun went down. That was pretty memorable. I can’t say I’ve ever been up early enough to see a sunrise! 
Another place would be in Campo, a tiny hamlet near Castlenuevo in Tuscany. The views from the house my mum and step dad go to every year are really beautiful. The light sweeps across the hillside. It’s so calming, I always love my time there.  

6. If you were taking a ‘staycation’ in your hometown, where would it be and what would you recommend others to do?

My adopted hometown is Bristol but I’m originally from the East Midlands. For a Bristol staycation, I’d recommend renting an Airbnb in one of the big townhouses in Clifton with views towards the Suspension Bridge. Treat yourself to lunch at the newly opened Ivy and then enjoy a walk up to the observatory. The views over the city and down to the bridge are brilliant. Alternatively, drive out to The Ethicurean for a really special evening meal (although it does mean someone has to be the designated driver!)

7. Describe your perfect travel day of the year?

It’s probably our day spent on Rottnest Island in Western Australia. We were staying in Perth with a group of friends for another friend’s wedding and some of us took the very early morning boat to Rottnest. We rented bikes and cycled all over the place enjoying the sunshine and the views. I ate a giant vegemite scroll from the bakery there and we met the Quokkas. It was a really great day and the more I look back at my pictures, the more I want to return! 

8. What have you ticked off your bucket list in 2016?

I didn’t really have a bucket list but I spent three months travelling, slept in 12 different beds in that time, took 6 flights, visited Indonesia and three out of the seven territories of Australia. In the next three months, I’ll tick off another in Australia and visit Malaysia and Singapore before heading home this spring. 

9. What is top of your travel bucket list for 2017?

I really want to return to Berlin. It’s a city which has stayed with me and on our last visit, Dave & I totally fell in love with the place. That said, we’re also hoping to go to South Korea. Dave lived and worked in Seoul for 18 months and is keen to return and take me with him. I know I’ll love it, mainly for the food and the fact that at heart, I’m a city girl. Edit: I’ve now been to South Korea! Check out my posts about the trip here

10. Share your favourite Instagram photo of 2016?

Woo Instagram, my favourite, addictive app. This one is probably my favourite even though it’s not my most popular. Dave’s mum took it of us just before we jumped on the train to Heathrow to start our travelling adventure (which we’re currently midway through). I had so many lovely comments on it from friends, family and strangers. And we both look happy and optimistic although about five minutes later I was crying! By the way, you can follow me here.
Although I’m a bit late to the party, if you want to join in with the Travel Whispers Challenge, you can find out all about it here and join the Facebook group here.
Finally, why not read some Travel Whispers Challenge posts by other travel bloggers and get your 2017 wanderlust really fired up! 

0 thoughts on “The travel whispers challenge

  1. Gosh! Sitting in Heathrow airport about to get on a flight to Taiwan and got the most lovely lovely shock when getting to number 4. Such an honour, and so kind, brought a tear to my eye. To inspire others with my travel content is what I always aspire to, so your words mean a huge amount to me. I've been so enjoying following your adventures too!

  2. Lovely post and nice to see Kavey included!! Thinking of number 8 I really need to tick off my bucket list of sleeping in a room and dining in a restaurant – both underwater! It has been a dream of mine and I can't wait any longer.

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