Choose the right destination
If you want to head to New York or Berlin every weekend then sure, you’re going to have some trouble funding your adventures. But, it’s a big old world out there, and there are plenty of destinations which are highly affordable from the UK. It’s all about choosing the places that don’t cost an arm and a leg to reach, or to experience once you’re there. Just looking at Europe, it’s a lot cheaper to visit Romania’s mountains that it would be Norway’s mountain region and Kaunas, Lithuania is cheaper than Paris, France. Think about the type of holiday you want — beach, city, and so on — and then find the places that have the right cost/enjoyment balance.

At the right time
But let’s say you do have your heart set on one of those most sought after travel destinations, what then? It’s all about visiting at the right time. It’s a lot cheaper to visit New York after Christmas than it is to visit before Christmas, for example. Of course, there are reasons why there’s a “peak” travel period — there are more things to do, the weather is nicer, or whatever. But you can overcome these things, especially when it saves you some dosh, or if the cost of visiting at peak time just isn’t an option.
Look for deals
You know I love a bargain. So, if you’re only looking at one price when it comes to your travel adventures, then of course you’re going to pay more than you should. Travel is a competitive industry like any other, so there are always cheaper options to be found. And you can knock even more money off the cost of your holiday by checking to see if there are any deals on. Before you book your next getaway, take a look at NetVoucherCodes.co.uk — you might just find that you’re able to save 25% or more on the cost of your trip just because you had a quick look before booking. It makes no sense to pay full price when there’s likely to be a way to spend less.

Pre-travel costs
It’s not just the cost of the flight, accommodation and spends that you have to account for when you’re travelling. Because we’re excited, or we realise that we need a lot more for our trip than previously thought, many of us end up spending a lot of money before we even set off! We invest in new clothing, or spend a huge amount just at the airport. Cut these costs out — you can live without them — and you’ll find that your bank balance looks a little rosier when you return. Of course, for some destinations, you will need new clothes. Say, if you’re visiting a snowy climate. But if you’re only going to use the jacket or pants for a week, you don’t need top of the range stuff. Buy sensibly. And, when you get home, get it listed on ebay or gumtree.
On the road
We’re all guilty of spending more than we thought we’d spend when we’re travelling. We do this for multiple reasons. One, we’re excited, and treat that foreign currency like it’s monopoly money. Second, we’re new in town, and don’t know the affordable places. Here’s where a little research can go a long way! Find out the best affordable restaurants at the destination, and you’ll avoid the curse of overspending for food and drinks that really aren’t worth it anyway.

Look local
Finally, who says that you need to go overseas to have an adventure? It can be much more affordable, and just as fun to travel at home. People are eager to head overseas, but there’s much to love about a trip to the Lake District or the Highlands, or Manchester or come to Bristol! We recently had a wonderful week down in Christchurch (near Bournemouth) looking after my cousin’s dog. Free accommodation and really close to the beach. It was great and hardly cost us a penny. Why not give it a go?
Totally agree with all your suggestions to cut costs. Not only are there soooo many other places to visit than the big names, you can still do the big names for less if you’re canny!