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Chocolate Chip Energy Balls

Who knows what an energy ball is? Do any of you eat them already? They aren’t (as my mum thought) those large inflatable balls you see in the corner at the gym. Actually, they are small tasty snacks made mostly of healthy ingredients like dates, almonds, peanut butter and fruit. Very on trend and very healthy – unlike myself!!

Inside the Energy Balls Recipe Kit

A friend of mine recently launched an Energy Ball Recipe Kit on Kickstarter and I’m a sucker for anything edible through the post. As you’ll know, I’ve reviewed most of the recipe boxes out there as well as various other things including the more special ones like Pasta Evangelists and Riverford Organic. Anyway, I just had to give this one a whirl!

Chocolate Chip Energy Balls from the Energy Ball Recipe Kit

About the kit

The box fits through your letterbox and comes with a simple, easy to follow recipe card and neatly packed ingredients which are pre-weighed. For this chocolate chip recipe, the method couldn’t have been simpler – throw everything into a mixing bowl with a dash of water and mix. There is enough for 30 balls in total, plenty to see you through the week. Once mixed I simply shaped them into balls and let them sit for a couple of hours in the fridge to set! Easy peasy.

I made a big batch and took some into work – we ate them in the afternoon with a cup of coffee and they did a great job of helping us avoid snack temptation. Over the week I also ate some in the morning after my cycle into work and Dave took some to his office too! They didn’t last long!

Green credentials

One of the things I also really like about this kit is its green credentials – all of the packaging inside and out is biodegradable meaning that it can all go into the compost or recycling at the very least. The energy balls themselves are also vegan.

If you fancy giving Vic’s Energy Balls Recipe Kit a go, you can either buy a one-off or set up a monthly subscription. Why not give them a go? 

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