I’d like to introduce At the Sauce a podcast full of food stories. The first episode is up now. It’s Karis and I introducing ourselves with a bit of background to our own food stories! We also have some great episodes in the pipeline with chefs, food critics, bloggers, home cooks, producers, travellers… you name it. We’re interested in talking about serious food issues, sustainability, eating organic and the industry as a whole. And of couse, if there’s a great story we want to hear it.
You can subscribe to At the Sauce on iTunes or listen on Soundcloud. We also have a website with show notes and of course we’re on twitter – come and say hello!
This weekend we’re heading to the Abergavenny food festival to celebrate its 20th year. We have four fantastic guests lined up. It’s going to be busy and we can’t wait to share their stories with you on our new podcast!
Exciting – love the (punny) name – off to have a listen now!
Thanks Connie! Hope you enjoy 🙂