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How has another month gone by? It feels like I only just posted my October Discoveries and now, here we are in November, staring December in the face. We’ve been in Melbourne for over a month now and I’ve discovered so many amazing things and places. Far too many to list here so I’ve somehow managed to cut my November discoveries down to just five!


8-Bit Burgers

Ok so you know I love burgers right? 8-Bit is a retro video game themed burger joint in Melbourne (with two sites, Footscray and city centre). Their burgers have blown my mind. Walking into their city centre restaurant you’d be forgiven for thinking you were in a trendy McDonalds. Don’t be fooled. Despite the focus on grab & go, the food is incredible. The cheesy bacon fries are incredible and the burgers are so so good, possibly the best I’ve ever eaten. Yes. I just said that.

The one below is the After Burner – Beef, tomato, red onion, lettuce, cheese, chilli sauce, jalapeños, mustard and chipotle mayo. All for $10.50 which is around £6.50. AMAZING RIGHT?! I can feel the calories piling on as I type.

November Discoveries - 8Bit Burger

Ice Poles

Who remembers ice poles from their childhood? We’re getting a tad obsessed with them here!! They are cheap and cool you down when the weather is hot (sorry to my readers in the UK!!). Such nostalgia right now! 😎

November Discoveries - Ice Poles

Melbourne Cat Cafe

It’s no secret that I’m a crazy cat lady.  This week has been a double celebration as I heard that there is a cat cafe opening in Bristol (just in time for my return) and we also visited the cat cafe here in Melbourne. It was the first one in Australia and all the cats there are rescue kitties. The space wasn’t as interesting as the cat cafe in Nottingham but the cats were all cute and loved playing with us!
November Discoveries - Cat Cafe

Home Made Nachos 

We had some tortillas in the cupboard which were starting to go past their best so I googled homemade tortilla chips and made my first ever batch. It’s so easy – just snip them into triangles, scatter on a baking tray and toss in a little oil. Season with salt, pepper and cumin or paprika if you like and bake for around 10 mins until golden brown. There are so many dips here in the shops and we have a fridge full so we scoffed the chips with olive dip, avocado dip and hummus. Perfect for TV snacks. More of which below…
November Discoveries - home made nachos


Yeah, I know… not at all foodie but O-M-G are you watching it? We’re completely hooked and reserve Sunday nights for the next episode. I’m totally confused by the whole thing and have spent far too much time googling fan theories.

Next week is the final episode which just makes me sad. What will we do! Any suggestions for great boxsets to replace the WestWorld hole when it arrives?

Have you discovered anything new or amazing this month? Let me know in the comments below, I’d love to hear from you about your own November discoveries! 

0 thoughts on “My November Discoveries

  1. I've never been to Melbourne, we did the east coast back in 2012 but didn't make it that far south. Hope we get the chance in the future, would love to give that burger place a try. Also loving Westworld, such a great story line, don't want it to end either!!!

  2. Ahhh love Icepoles SO much, especially in the summer… not so much when it's -2 outside though haha.
    I'm also a crazy cat lady (I have two kitties) and that cafe sounds AMAZING! We need one where I live, I'd spend my life there haha xx

  3. I have some friends in Melbourne, it is a cool place and I would like to visit sometime.I love the look of the burgers and same here I can't believe that it is December already!

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