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January – a fresh start and a chance to distance yourself from the pure indulgence of December.

In the past I’ve always rushed into the usual suspects – gym membership and crazy diets. But this year, I’ve given it some thought and actually, I won’t be joining a gym – I hate them. I won’t be going on some ridiculous diet either. In fact, I’ve even thrown my scales away. I’ll just be making a conscious effort to snack less and get outside more. I’ve also decided to eat a pescatarian diet for the month. I did consider a full vegetarian or even vegan diet but I’m not sure I could manage that. So, turning pescatarian it is.

I love fish and don’t eat enough of it so this is a great way to eat a little healthier and inspire myself in the kitchen too.

In some attempt to be organised, I’m planning to write up a meal plan for each week this month – it’s not always easy to stick to them but I’m determined at least manage this first one!



Tonight I’ll be having dinner with my good friend Patrick – he’s cooking so lets hope it’s something tasty! Yesterday I made a huge batch of spicy carrot soup for the week so that’s work lunches covered.


Fish curry with tomatoes and tamarind – from the Oct 2015 Olive magazine. The recipe is also online here.

fish curry with tomatoes and tamarind


We’ll be trying the new range of fish from Youngs ‘Funky Fish Kitchen’ which looks like it’ll become a rival to one of my favourites – The Saucy Fish Co. The one we have is salmon with beetroot and horseradish butter. I’m sure it’ll be delicious with new potatoes and salad.


If I get chance on Weds night, I’ll be making this lentil and spinach pie ready for Thursday, otherwise, I’ll make it on the night. It’s warming, filling and healthy. Perfect!

lentil and spinach pie



The weekend! It hardly seems possible that we’ll make it through a whole full week! We have some vouchers from George’s chip shop so we’ll be treating ourselves to fish, chips and mushy peas!


I’m planning on using the last of the kimchi I made in October for chamchi jjigae – a tuna and tofu spicy stew. We made kimchi jjigae a few weeks back with tofu and pork belly and it was fab, I’m hoping this will be just as tasty.

kimchi jjigae



As a bit of a treat, I’ll be making these fish and leek pies. It’s unusual to have a pastry top with a fish pie but I find it makes a nice change from mash! I’ll serve with string beans and tender stem broccoli.

fish and leek pie

I asked some of my fellow bloggers for fishy inspiration and as always they didn’t disappoint. Why not try these delicious recipes?

Are you thinking of turning pescatarian? Why not also follow this pinterest page full of fish recipes from Family Friends Food and find all of Hungry Healthy Happy seafood recipes here.

I’ve added this weeks meal plan to Mrs M’s Meal Planning Monday linky – have a look for some great meal planning inspiration!

0 thoughts on “Turning Pescatarian for January

  1. Nice idea – I like the response to the rather dismal DryJanuary campaign with the #TryJanuary hashtag designed to encourage people to push their food and drink boundaries a little in the New Year.

  2. Thanks Tim – there's no point trying to stick to something I know I'll struggle with, pescatarianism is something I think I can manage! I like the #TryJanuary too – perfect message for our industry!

  3. Great idea, I actually toyed with the idea of going pescatarian for keeps. Getting a bit concerned about what our massive meat consumption does to the world. The problem is, I really really like it. Be interested to hear how your month goes, the menu for this week sounds fab 🙂

  4. All looks good to me. I review restaurants with a pescatarian and my only gripe is that he tends to nick all the best fish dishes from the menu! I love cooking with fish though and that fish curry looks amazing!

  5. Sounds great. I didn't know an all-fish diet was known as pescatarian. I have been eating more fish lately too.. prawns today, salmon for lunch tomorrow, then sea bream for dinner on Saturday!

  6. Well done Gingey! Salmon tikka or tandoori on skewers is super nice! Also peppered mackerel with beetroot potato salad. Looking forward to seeing what you make. Thanks for including my recipe xx

  7. I've never ever made a fish curry but it's been on my list of 'must try' forever, I think I'd love it – quite why I've never had one I don't know! Good luck with your Pescatarian month!

  8. Good luck with the new focus. I definitely agree with the need to be good after the December festivities. January 2016 marked a new start for me too when I took the Veganuary pledge.
    I like the meal plan write-ups. I'm writing mine retrospectively but the commentary on week one has turned into a bit of an epic and I've still not finished it.
    Thanks for sharing the Kimchi recipe. I must give that a go, but will need to find an alternative to the fish sauce.

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