All I think any of us really want is the sofa, PJs and comfort grub like this:
This cold weather chicken casserole is a great ‘chuck it in and leave it alone’ stew which for me seems incredibly old fashioned – I imagine families sat eating this in home front Britain, black out blinds up and gas lamp burning! The sauce is quite thin with this recipe so don’t expect a thick slurpy broth. This is a mop it up with some crusty bread situation.
Ingredients, serves 4
- 1kg floury potatoes thinly sliced
- 4 large chicken pieces on the bone
- 2 onions, sliced
- 2 carrots peeled and sliced
- 1/4 medium sized suede diced
- 600ml chicken or vegetable stock
- 2 bay leaves
- Fresh thyme
Olive oil
Salt and Pepper
Preheat oven to 150C/ gas mark 2
Layer half the potato and half the onion slices in the bottom of a casserole dish and season with salt, pepper and a sprinkling of fresh thyme (dried is fine if you have none),
Brown the chicken pieces in a frying pan for around 10 mins. You will need a fairly high heat for this and careful – the fat will spit!
Put chicken into the casserole and throw in the carrot and suede and remaining onion. Add the stock and season again.
Top with the remaining potato slices and pour over any chicken fat/juices from the browning – yes, additional fat but browns the potatoes and makes them taste extra lovely.
Top with foil and cook in the oven for 1 1/2 hours until the meat is tender and veg all cooked through.
Take foil off and grill for last 10 mins so that the potatoes are golden brown.
I agree the weather is miserable but this looks like the perfect comfort food and even better cooking in one pot!
Absolutely perfect comfort food. Love it. BTW, your spuds look fantastic . . . which taken out of context sounds a bit weird, but you know what I mean!
Thanks both for your comments, I'm very happy that you think my spuds are fantastic (ahem!) Teehee 🙂
This ia just my sort of dinner, one pot, old fashioned grub. It looks delicious. Definitely what we need with this lingering cold weather.
You can't beat old fashioned flavours sometimes can you! Thanks for your comment Livs.