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In case you missed my post last Monday, let me recap briefly. I’ve decided to turn pescatarian for the month of January. One of the reasons was to encourage myself to both eat and cook more fish.

You can see last weeks meal plan here. We stuck to it almost completely with one small slip up. On Friday night we went to a new micro brewery in Loughborough with friends and lost track of time. Before we knew it, Georges was shut and we’d missed out on our chip supper! With a belly full of beer, we ended up going for Papa Johns (even food bloggers eat Papa Johns occasionally!), opting for tuna and anchovies in place of the usual pepperoni!

So, without further ado, here is my meal plan for the week ahead.


I’ll be at my mums for tea tonight and she’s making smoked haddock with mash, cheesy sauce and peas. A proper home cooked tea, can’t wait! If I’m not home too late, I’ll be making a batch of my spinach and rice soup for the weeks lunches too. See the recipe here.


The lovely folk at Saucy Fish Co have sent me some goodies to help me on my pescatarian journey and on Tuesday we’ll be trying their salmon fish cakes with hollandaise centres. Most likely we’ll eat them with new potatoes and a big salad.


I’m attending the new supperclub style night at the Orange tree in Leicester with my best bloggy bud Emily from Recipes and Reviews and I’ve chosen the scallops, monkfish & pavlova from the menu. There are still a couple of places so if you’re fast, you can book in! Otherwise, the next one is in March.


Another Saucy Fish Co meal this evening – I’m planning to use the sea bream with sun blush tomato dressing. I’m not sure what it’ll go with yet but most likely some mediterranean roasted potatoes and vegetables.


It’s looking like quite a fish heavy week so I think we’ll be ready for something vegetarian by Friday! This aubergine, chorizo, chilli and tomato pasta is really good – obviously I’ll leave out the chorizo!


I tend to keep my meal plans fairly open at the weekends. I have friends popping over for tea on Saturday afternoon so I’ll probably roll up my sleeves and make some biscuits or a cake. For dinner, I’m planning, as long as we don’t get sidetracked, to make Emily Etc’s king prawn pad thai with zoodles. I got a spiralizer for Christmas which I’ve not used yet and this recipe looks great!

King Prawn Pad Thai for Pescatarian Month


Who knows!! Let’s see where the weekend takes us. I do have some tuna steaks in the freezer so perhaps something with those. I’m keen to have a healthy week and I’ll definitely be following a pescatarian diet!


Head over to Mrs M’s Meal Planning link up to find more inspiration for your week’s meals.

0 thoughts on “Pescatarian January – Week Two

  1. Oooh snap, we got a spiraliser for Christmas too and are planning on using it for the first time this week. Lovely sounding plan – I'd quite happily eat fish every day and always nice to get some new ideas. x

  2. I love fish too and really should eat more. We have recently started to eat more vegetarian versions of our meat favourites. I am surprised how well it has gone. I hope your month goes well. Hope you have a good week x #mealplanningmonday

  3. My fiance is forever bugging me to quit being veggie and eat fish haha, but I just can't do it! Planning out my meals for the week is something I'm trying to start doing better so I can have better, fresher ingredients in, good luck!

  4. That recipe is from the lovely Emily Etc but I can't wait to try it.. I've needed a reason to start using my new spiralizer! It's great how easy the switch has been isn't it!

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