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baked butternut squash with feta

Another week is about to start and this one is going to be hectic! With a very busy few days in the office planned, as well as my Dads birthday, we’re going to need to be organised with our meals if we stand any chance of keeping away from the takeaways and focussed on healthy eating! That’s why I decided to write a quick meal plan.

Is this something you’ve done before? I find it really useful when I know I’ve got a lot on the following week. You can find more meal plan inspiration on the ‘At home with Mrs M‘ blog or take a look at my past meal plan for more inspiration! So, after the usual Sunday night fridge/freezer/cupboard check, here’s my meal plan for the week:


Turkey Curry and rice (and its not even Christmas!). I have some left over in the freezer and want the space so I thought, why not!


The last of our Hello Fresh box meals – Mexican chicken & refried beans. I’m looking forward to this one!


Do not judge fellow foodies.. do not judge. Toby Carvery (my Nanna’s choice) for my Dads birthday!


Pork chops, steamed potatoes and green beans – and plenty of gravy!!


Something with butternut squash – either this or this roasted squash with feta (if I remember to buy feta that is!)


We’re having a BBQ at my house with my parents, weather dependant! Kebabs, halloumi and sausages with side salads and probably a big bowl of cous cous.


Taking it old school with pot roast beef with steamed veg and creamy mash!

BBQ with Bart Spice Rubs

Do you enjoy writing a meal plan? It’s a great way to stay organised, eat healthier (if you want to), save money and importantly, avoid food waste! Have a good week everyone!

0 thoughts on “Meal plan Monday – June 2013

  1. Ooooh, that squash with feta and chorizo recipe looks fab! Actually…it all looks fab (even a bit of carvery is nice from time to time 😉 )


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