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Kimchi Jiigae Stew

I hope you’ve all had a wonderful Christmas and New Year guys! I’ll be honest, our’s has been overshadowed somewhat by the FLU which seems to be taking the UK by storm right now. Since getting back to Bristol on the 27th, I’ve not left the house. In fact, I’ve barely left my bed. This flu is terrible – a painful chesty cough, earache, body ache, headache, nausea. And it just won’t shift.
Flu fighting
Bah Humbug

It’s safe to say 2018 hasn’t quite gone off with the bang I was hoping for. And actually, I slept straight through it! I’ve dragged myself through the shower and onto the sofa and now, I’m typing this. What I hope will be a round-up of the tastiest, soul-warming dishes from myself and my fellow food blogging community.


Everyone know’s a bowl of soup can help soothe a cold and according to this article, it’s been eaten by the unwell since the 12th century! The hot liquid can help with congested chests and noses by acting as an anti-inflammatory. Here are a few tasty suggestions:

Sunny Little Kitchen Garlic Soup
This soup from Sunny Little Kitchen just looks so comforting! 


Garlic, chilli and spice always make me feel better when I’m feeling full of cold and I think fellow blogger Camilla from Fab Food 4 All hit the nail on the head when she said of her spicy spaghetti recipe: “I think chilli is good for the sinuses and garlic has antiseptic properties from memory so perhaps this dish which is both quick and healthy!”.  Here it is, along with a couple of other spicy dishes to try:

Kimchi Jiigae Stew
This spicy Korean pork & tofu stew with kimchi is perfect for fighting flu with.

Fruit & Vegetables:

So despite the fact that the common myth about Vitamin C curing colds is just that, a myth, it is well known that eating (or drinking) your 5 fruit and veggies a day are incredibly important for a healthy lifestyle. I’m definitely going to try this smoothie from Sus at Rough Measures – full of anti-oxidants and anti-inflammatories as well a good hit of vitamins too. Now I think about it, I could also really eat some of that chilli pineapple too!

Cold-busting flavours from Sus at Rough Measures

I always love to hear your comments so why not share your favourite cold and flu remedies below? Is there one comfort dish you can’t live without when you’re under the weather? 

7 thoughts on “Soul-Warming Dishes to Fight the Flu

  1. A great collection of flu busting recipes Alex, thanks for including mine! Hope you feel better soon, I may have to work my way through all these to try and get over my current lurgy!

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