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Why does the key always snap on the Corned Beef tin!

There are no ways to make this look attractive. Its basically pink mush in a bowl. Its my job as a food blogger to make meals look good, to hope that you go away and try them in your own kitchen because they look so tasty and inviting. Well. With this post I’ve failed. Its down to my words to try and convince you to try this one.

So, here we go – spicy corned beef hash. This recipe came from an ex-boyfriend and although he’s long gone, its remained in my head and every now and again when I need a bit of something comforting, I make it.

Opening a tin of corned beef is never easy!

Ingredients (serves 2-3)

  • 1 tin of corned beef (stored in the fridge for an hour)
  • A finely diced onion
  • 1 chilli, finely diced/or a dash of chilli sauce (or both if you like it extra hot!)
  • 2 garlic cloves, crushed
  • Piece of ginger approx 1 inch cubed, finely diced
  • 4-5 medium sized potatoes


  • Bring a pan of salted water to the boil. Add the potatoes and cook until they drop off a knife. Switch heat off.
  • Fry the onion, garlic, chilli and ginger for about 10 mins on a high heat until softened. If using chilli sauce, add a dash at this stage. I use Wiga Wagaa Cooking Sauce – it packs a punch so you don’t need much!
  • Cube the corned beef and add to the onion mix. Fry for around 5 minutes, breaking up the corned beef with a wooden spoon.
  • Drain and mash the potato. You don’t need to add anything to it,
  • Once the corned beef has softened down, add the mashed potato and stir everything up until its well mixed.
  • Serve with a crack of black pepper, it shouldn’t need any salt.

Wiga Wagaa Chilli Cooking PasteCooking the hash in a frying pan
The finished thing! Remember, it tastes better than it looks (much better!)..

Spicy Corned Beef Hash
If you like your food hot, try some of my other spicy recipes 🌶:

0 thoughts on “Spicy Corned Beef Hash

  1. I know! It really doesn't! It looks pretty awful but I ummed and ahhd about posting this recipe and decided I needed to. Its such good comfort food and I just love it! Plus, just tonight on the drive home from work, Glynn Purnell was on radio 2 talking about corned beef – turns out I'm right on trend 🙂

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