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I know everyone is posting about Christmas at the moment – how to plan ahead, what to buy, what to cook etc.. and at first I didn’t want to join in but to be honest, as the day draws closer and panic sets in, I’ve decided enough is enough. TIME TO GET AHEAD AND ELIMINATE STRESS!!

Make ahead gravy

Courtesy of James Martin on the Chris Evans breakfast show yesterday morning! I can’t find the recipe online anywhere but basically.. you boil wine, chicken stock (1/2 litre per person) and a bay leaf in a saucepan until it starts to thicken down. Then let it cool, stick it in ice cube trays and defrost in a pan on Xmas day and top up with turkey juices.

Make ahead Roasties

Courtesy of BBC Good Food – Prep these on Christmas Eve so no need to spend time on the big day peeling potatoes!

Ingredients, serves 8

  • 2½kg Desirée or King Edward potatoes
  • 2 tbsp flour
  • 5 tbsp goose fat or sunflower oil


  1. Peel the potatoes, then cut into halves, or quarters if large. Bring a large pan of water to the boil, add a little salt, then tip the potatoes into the pan. Bring back to the boil and cook for 7 mins. Drain really well, then return to the pan and sprinkle over the flour. Place a lid on top of the pan, then pick up the pan using oven gloves or a tea towel and give it a few really hard shakes so the potatoes get bashed around (this will make them nice and crisp).
  2. Heat oven to 190C/fan 170C/gas 5. Spoon the goose fat or sunflower oil onto a large, lipped baking tray and leave to heat on the top shelf of the oven for 5 mins. Carefully pull out the tray, make sure its surface is evenly coated with the fat, then tip on the potatoes. Roast for 20 mins, then turn up the oven to 220C/fan 200C/gas 7 and roast for another 30 mins, turning the potatoes once, until golden and crisp. Sprinkle with a little salt and serve straight away.

If freezing ahead, simply follow the recipe to the end of step 1, then let the potatoes cool. Line 2 baking trays or sheets with greaseproof paper. Arrange the potatoes on the paper, making sure none of them are touching each other, then place in the freezer. Once frozen solid, tip the potatoes into a bag to free up some freezer space. Can be frozen for up to 1 month. Cook for 30 mins at 190C/fan 170C/gas 5 before turning the oven up.

Roast Potatoes


Make ahead Christmas Spiced Cabbage

A lovely recipe from Delicious Magazine which can be made up to 2 days ahead. This is so Christmassy, I really think it helps elevate the Roast Turkey dinner into something extra special.


  • 30g butter
  • 1 red onion, finely sliced
  • Pinch of ground cloves
  • 1 cinnamon stick
  • 1 small red cabbage, core removed, finely sliced
  • 2 apples, peeled, cored and chopped
  • 2 tbsp soft brown sugar
  • 150ml port
  • 2 tbsp red wine vinegar
  • 1 tbsp redcurrant jelly


  1. Preheat the oven to 160°C/fan140°C/gas 3. Melt the butter in an ovenproof casserole or saucepan, add the onion and spices, season well and cook over a low heat until soft but not coloured.
  2. 2. Add the cabbage, apple, sugar, port and vinegar, stir well, then add 2-3 tbsp water. Bring to a simmer, then cover with a lid and cook in the oven, stirring occasionally, for 2 hours until the cabbage is tender. Stir in the redcurrant jelly and serve.

All thats left to do is the Turkey, Brussel sprouts with pancetta and peas, roasted carrots and parsnips, stuffing, pigs in blankets and the bread sauce… and breathe… PHEW!

0 thoughts on “Make ahead and cut down that Christmas dinner stress!

  1. Good luck with the hosting! My boyfriend and I hosted for the first time last year for his family (mine live in France) and apart from some fussiness with the vegetables which I hadn't been told about, it all went quite smoothly.

  2. Thanks both, Jen – I'm as organised as I can be at this stage so fingers crossed! Dom – have a brilliant Christmas and I'll be back on the random recipe challenge next year!

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