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Bacon, avocado and poached egg at Bill's Restaurant

I was thinking recently about how bloggers review restaurants. We go once, often for a free meal, and then we review our experience (hopefully honestly) for all the world to see. What if that place was having an ‘off’ day? Or an ‘on’ day?

These days I tend to review fewer places than I used to, often only after a second visit. But honestly, in a world full of culinary experiences and tastes to try, I like to move around and eat at as many new places as I can. So this brings me back round to the start of this post. And leads me to wonder whether the way food bloggers review restaurants is actually right?

You might have noticed in fact, that I’ve not reviewed a restaurant for quite a while on the blog. I’m trying to ensure that I go several times before that happens in a bid to make sure that what I’m saying it an honest reflection.

Back in March (yes I know… it was a long time ago), I was given a VIP card for Bill’s restaurants. It meant free food for the whole month. So, taking full advantage of the card, I ate at Bill’s many times. At breakfast, lunch and dinner and only after all of those meals do I feel like I’m prepared to write an all-encompassing review.

Pancake stack at Bill's

I’m not really one to eat at chains as I like to support my local indies although I do feel that they have a place and am certainly not a chain basher. I’m a big fan of Pieminister, Wahaca and am not adverse to the odd Macdonalds. I’ve had great meals at Jamies Italian and I have bad meals there. The point is, I try to judge a place by the quality of its service and food. Bill’s though – now that’s a chain I didn’t like, after eating a terrible meal at the Leicester site a few years back.

What was great?

Over the course of a month, we ate our way through almost the entire menu at Bill’s. I have to say that the majority of it was very tasty. The standout dish for me was their Chicken Milanese. Dave’s favourite was the Lamb Shank.

The Mezze Platter and Halloumi Sticks were also delicious. Despite being relatively easy things to prepare, both came with really tasty dipping sauces. Sure, they aren’t haute cuisine but you know what, sometimes all you want is a deep fried cheesy stick and a load of ham and olives. For simple bistro food done well, Bill’s nailed both of these dishes for me more than once during that month-long period.

I also have to hand it to Bill’s, they know how to make a good cocktail. Ok, it’s not high-level mixology or anything but they are tasty and very boozy. Their negroni is as good as I’ve tried in many an indie bar. And, with the candles lit and lights down low, the Bristol restaurant has plenty of romantic nooks for date night.

Bill's late night cocktails

Low points

It seems to me that Bill’s does a better job of dinner than breakfast, despite this being a big part of their offering. I remember Dave ordering the coconut porridge. It arrived looking like a bowl of gruel with a massive blob of Tesco Value jam dolloped on top. There was a distinct lack of coconut. The bacon (eaten on a few different dishes) always seemed a bit reminiscent of a Holiday Inn breakfast. And, whilst they look cool, those big blue teapots mean too much water and not enough tea to brew a decent cup.

Bill's Coconut Porridge

Overall verdict

I hadn’t eaten at Bill’s since that fateful meal in Leicester and so, this was my first visit in several years. Is Bill’s for me?  Probably not. There is plenty of tasty food on their menu and the staff are all friendly but for me, it’s just too big. By that I mean it’s too much – too much of everything. It’s a Tesco Extra versus your local family-run deli. Their menu is big and covers lots of different types of food, from burgers to Thai curry to salads and Korean style chicken skewers. But, just because that type of menu isn’t for me, doesn’t mean it’s not for others. Their varied menu is actually a positive thing. Regardless of age, they have something for all palettes – and this makes it a great crowd-pleaser for groups of friends, family and date nights.

So, after four weeks of eating there up to three-four times a week (yes really) and sampling everything from coconut porridge to pancake stacks, mezze platters, burgers and lamb shanks, I like to think that my words hold weight – real opinions derived from multiple experiences.

3 thoughts on “We ate at Bill’s for a whole month

  1. We ate at Bill’s last month. I do really like their food, but it is rather expensive. It’s great for a one off lunch here and there when shopping but I don’t think I’d be a frequent visitor.

  2. Thanks for such an honest review – and very thorough after your Bill’s month! It’s definitely difficult to get a full picture of a restaurant after one visit. I recently went to a restaurant and had the worst experience ever. I wonder if it was an off day or a terrible place. Though I know I won’t be going back to find out!

  3. I’m like this (though wouldn’t go for a month). I imagine even if it was a place for you, you’d need a break from it before going again hehehe
    Also I’m yet to find a restaurant which such a varied menu that do it well.

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