Like a lot of people I think mum and Andy were drawn to the Air fryer because it offers a healthier way to cook a lot of traditionally fried foods. Chips – of course – being number one offender. The whole appeal is the healthy aspect – apparently the ‘rapid air technology’ means you can cook all sorts of things with up to 80% less fat because so little oil is needed. If you want to find out all the details, check out the Phillips website here.

Using the air fryer is super simple. It comes with a book that explains how to cook various things, including (get ready…) burgers, fishcakes, quiche and…. CHOCOLATE BROWNIES! I’m fairly sure my mums has been limited so far to chips but perhaps one day I’ll try something crazy in there.
For chips at least, the cooking process is very simple but if I’m honest a bit irritating. Mix your chips with a tsp of oil, pre-heat the fryer to 160c, add chips for 8 minutes, cook, shake, put back in for 8 minutes, turn temp to 180c, cook for 6 mins, shake, cook again for 6 minutes. It’s a bit repetitive but the timer has a loud beep to alert you so at least you can potter around between shakes. Irritating but not irritating enough to put me off.
All I can promise is really delicious chips which are genuinely as tasty as the real thing. Chuck that deep fat fryer away guys, the Phillip’s Airfryer is the answer! You can buy them for around £132 online. This is cheaper than the main competitor, the Tefal Actifry which does a similar job, on Amazon for £199 with an RRP of £270. Is there a difference? I don’t know… but what I can tell you is that my Dad and his partner have one and it’s quite a lot bulkier and looks a bit more complicated to use.
Have you got an Air Fryer? What have you made in it? I’d love to hear!! Or do you have an Actifry? What’s the difference? Which do you prefer?
I have never tried the Air Fryer nor the Actifry. But sounds like a useful gadget, nothing beats perfectly crispy chips!
I love my actifry but I do find the chips aren't really all that crispy if left for more than a few seconds after serving. I wonder if the air fryer is the answer?!
I keep seeing these and wondering how good they are, the feedback has been pretty positive I think. We are indulging in Heston's triple cooked chips in our house at the moment, we got a new (regular) deep fat fryer which we looooove. Not as healthy though!
To be honest, we've not tried anything other than chips in it yet!! But they are really tasty and crispy so I bet other things would work well too.
I know there was a round of blogger activity on the Actifry but I've not seen much on the Air fryer. OOOH weston's triple cooked chips do sound good. Not as healthy but that usually means twice as tasty!
Yes they stay crispy! I've probably had mums chips in the Air fryer 6 or 7 times now and every time they've been lovely!
Helpful review, Alex! Since the day I bought my Philips fryer, I`ve never stopped using it! Recommend it with two hands!