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Very Berry Overnight Soaked Oats

I’m useless in the mornings. Really useless. My alarm goes off 30 minutes before I need to be out of bed so that I can get the maximum snooze time in. Once the dark mornings set in, it all gets much worse, and to be honest, there are only two reasons I’d ever choose to get out of bed before daylight – 1) because I’m going on holiday (and need to get to the airport) and 2) because I need to get to the airport (because I’m going on holiday). 

As you can imagine, my struggle to get out of bed in the mornings has a real impact on my ability to eat breakfast. Over the years I’ve tried all sorts, porridge, toast wrapped in tin foil to scoff in the car, breakfast biscuits, cereal bars.. nothing has really stuck. In fact, I often don’t eat before 12-1pm in the afternoon. Bad Gingey. So, my new year’s resolution will be to EAT BREAKFAST! Starting with these fruity overnight oats!
Fruity Overnight Oats
Overnight Soaked Oats with Berries, Honey & Banana
I like that these fruity overnight oats are portable and taste better than cardboard (aka cereal/breakfast bars). Make them the night before and grab from the fridge to eat at work. Easy. Could this be the future for breakfast time Gingey?

There are a couple of overnight soaked oats recipes around online and the base recipe is pretty straightforward. As long as you get that right (ridiculously easy) I’ve found that you can adjust everything else to your personal preference.
Ingredients per person 
  • 60g rolled oats 
  • 175ml plant milk (almond/coconut)
  • Put your milk & oats into a small jar or Tupperware.
  • Stir up, add your additional ingredients.
  • Leave in the fridge overnight.
You’ll need a small airtight Tupperware – if you want to be arty farty like me, use a pretty Kilner jar. 
Put the rolled oats in a small glass jar, cover with milk and stir to mix. Carefully stir in any extra ingredients or place them on top and close with a lid. Place in the fridge for a few hours or overnight. That’s it! 

Ingredients ready to make fruity overnight oats


I recently found a couple of recipes for overnight oats in cookbook Green Kitchen TravelsThis book is wonderful – and ticks two boxes for me – beautiful photography and wanderlust. Written by the people behind one of my favourite blogs, Green Kitchen Stories, it documents their foodie travels around the world and is full of tasty vegetarian recipes.  Here are some suggestions:

Peanut butter, banana & mixed berries 
  • 60g rolled oats (I use Scot’s porridge oats) 
  • 175ml almond or coconut milk
  • 1/2 mashed banana
  • 1 tbsp peanut butter. 
  • 2 tbsp raspberries (but you could use other fruit). 

Pumpkin seed, honey & banana 

  • 60g rolled oats (I use Scot’s porridge oats) 
  • 175ml coconut milk
  • 1/2 mashed banana
  • 1 tsp pumpkin seeds
  • 1 tbs honey.

Feeling inspired? Here are some more fruity overnight oats recipes from some of my fellow food bloggers: 

Nutella Overnight Oats from Nadia’s Healthy Kitchen.
Overnight Oats with raisin, apple and pumpkin seeds from Tin and Thyme.
Strawberry and coconut oats from Emily’s Recipes & Reviews.
Bircher muesli with berries & nuts from Family Friends Food.

5 thoughts on “Fruity Overnight Oats

  1. it looks lovely. I too have a bad time with mornings but i've got better and better at making sure I eat breakfast. I've seen a lot of these over-night oats recipes but yours has inspired me… I am doing it tonight. Does it have to be a plant-based milk? Can it be old-fashion regular milk? D x

  2. Thanks for the comments Dom, you know what? I reckon it'd work with regular milk. I found inspiration from a vegetarian cook book hence the coconut or almond milk suggested but I bet it would be fine! Let me know how it turns out 🙂

    Oh and Merry Christmas! x

  3. Ooh, these sounds great. I’ve been having coconut and cacao overnight oats for the last few days but I’m coming to the last of it and looking for a couple of ones to tide me over until I make my next big batch – love the sound of Pumpkin seed, honey & banana…might give that a try!

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