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Cured in west bridgford

*Cured is now closed*

Back in May I won a competition on Twitter to have dinner at Cured in West Bridgford. I was pretty pleased with this as I had been hoping to go there for a while and see what it was all about. Cool branding in a trendy location coupled with a strong social media presence had all locked the name into my mind.

Cured restaurant and bar in West Bridgford

Rather fortuitously, I have recently captured myself a new foodie partner in crime, who also happens to live close by. So after almost 3 months of me not getting round to it, this week saw us head over there to claim my prize. Lets face it, it was a cheap date too! Bonus points to me.

This place is a real mash up of styles – an almost Parisienne cafe vibe at the front with striped wicker chairs, gold and red (cafe rouge) lettering on the doors and round tables under chandeliers. Further in you’ll find mirrors and tiles reminiscent of a 1960’s butchers and then along the wall facing the bar, industrial high tables and stools against a brick wall, feeling more like the American diner decor you’ll find in places like Grillstock. I’m not saying its a bad mix, I’m just saying – its a mix. Bear in mind that this place is owned by Brown and Brown industries, the same people as The Parlour, and things start to click into place. Eclectic to the max.

Food menu at Cured in West Bridgford

The staff were incredibly friendly and quickly brought us our drinks (Brooklyn lager – fyi – their craft offering is strong). The prize was a platter of their hot dogs and a humungous bowl of fries. There are four hot dogs on the menu, priced between £6.99 and £7.50. The dogs were not as ‘luxe’ as we’d hoped. Relatively cheap white sub rolls filled with tasty but definitely ‘fun fair’ frankfurters were covered with a variety of toppings. Classic American cheese and crispy fried onions, pulled pork, stilton and onions (probably my favourite) and chorizo and crispy fried onions. The chorizo was crumbled on top of the frankfurter and looked pretty appetising but sadly it didn’t hit the meaty spot I’d hoped for. It was faintly reminiscent of the bottom of a two-day-old bacon griddle pan.


Hot Dog platter
Eating hot dogs

That said, as a concept it works well – hot dogs, chips and beer. It had the makings of greatness. I would say the combinations were spot on, there just needed to be a closer eye on quality control of the ingredients. The rest of the menu also features burgers which sounded great on paper. Again, nice combos and perfect with the craft beers they have both on tap and in the fridges.

My verdict – a great little bar for a drink and a natter but possibly not so much for food (aside from watching Dave trying to stuff an entire hot dog in his mouth). Although saying that, I’d be interested to sample their breakfast offering. After all, when I’m hung over, anyone serving Eggs Benedict within walking distance gets my vote. 

0 thoughts on “Hotdogs at Cured, West Bridgford

  1. It's always interesting to try out new places, sometimes you fall in love with the place and the food, but at other times you leave disappointed. I'm usually not impressed with food served in pubs and bars but it's ok because you mainly go to have a drink and chat with friends x

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