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Its been a while since I’ve done a #mealplanningmonday post. The last month or so has been manic. We’ve both been busy with work and we’ve eaten out a lot too so I feel like now (after a busy Easter bank holiday) is the perfect time to calm down and get organised! Plus, I miss my kitchen, I feel like its been ages since I spent any real time in there experimenting and cooking.
So, this week, we will be at home eating good, (mostly) healthy food and saving money. Here’s what I’ve got in store:

Harissa rubbed chicken with oven roasted veg cous cous – the hubby loves cous cous and this is a nice way to serve it. Roast the veg with garlic, olive oil and thyme then once cooked, mix into warm cous cous.

Higgidy chicken pie with potatoes, broccoli and peas – I picked these up last week in the reduced section at Co-op. I’ll get them out tomorrow morning and defrost ready to cook at night. 

Prawn egg fried riceI love this, we have it quite often – see the recipe here

Veg curry, brown rice & carrot salad – the brown rice and carrot salad help lift this, its a recipe from Jamie’s 30 minute meals and is really tasty and (obviously) quick to make.

Steak, salad and home made wedges

The hubby will have to fend for himself on Saturday as I’m heading into Birmingham for Blog Camp followed by cocktails and dinner with some of my foodie blogger friends! Can’t wait!

Not sure yet but probably pork chops at some point as we have some in the freezer or maybe something in the slow cooker so we can head out for a walk if the weather is good.

What are you planning this week? Anything special or just using up leftovers and trying to save money? Let me know!

Meal Planning Monday

As usual, I’m joining in with Mrs M’s Meal Planning Monday link up. You can find lots of ideas and inspiration there so go and check it out!  Plus, if you want to see what else I’ve planned, here are a couple of my old Meal Planning Monday entries here and here.

0 thoughts on “Meal Planning Monday – April 2014

  1. I think the problem with cous cous is that it can be a bit bland! Try making it with chicken or veg stock rather than plain water, that helps too! And yes, the oven roasted veg work well. I use things like red onion, carrot and butternut squash!

  2. Thanks Joanna and Cass for your comments – I couldn't get tickets last year so am really looking forward to it (and the dinner and cocktails after of course!).

  3. The prawn egg fried rice looks delicious and I've already got most of the ingredients in my kitchen, might have to sneakily make that one night when no one is looking!

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