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Its been a while since I’ve joined in on meal planning Monday but after a busy month, I’ve had time to sit down and plan what I want to cook in the coming days. We hit Loughborough market yesterday and topped up on fresh veg, meat and fish for half the price of the supermarkets and then a quick trip to Home Bargains for tinned and dried goods at bargain prices to finish the job. It reminded me how much I love to shop at the market and how great it is to know that your food is locally sourced.

I even went all out and cleared the cupboards – the star find was a jar of creamed horseradish with a sell by date of March 2012. Now, with freshly cleaned and tidied cupboards and full to the brim fridge & freezer, I’ve managed to plan a months worth of meals with just the occasional veg top up required. I’ve tried to plan meals under 600 calories as we’re off on holiday in October and need to slim down a bit!

Meal Planning Geek

So, for the coming week, I’ve planned:

Pork and Lemon meatballs with orzo salad. 

I’m very excited as we are heading over to Leary’s with some good friends for their Guinea Pig night – fantastically priced at just £24.95 for 3 courses. They run these nights every now and again to test their new menu ideas and they sell out fast! We cannot wait!

Caribbean spiced Chicken with homemade wedges and salad. I have some lovely spice rub from Tan Rosie, a local mum and daughter business from Birmingham. They were at the last BBC Good Food show and I fully intend to stock up at the next show in November!

Roasted red pepper hash with fried eggs. 

Tagliatelle with broccoli and anchovies.  

Cheese and onion rarebit pollack with vegetables and potatoes.

Curry at the Red Veil in Loughborough! What a treat before the week starts again 🙂

I’ve entered my meal plan into the ‘Meal Planning Monday’ link up, hosted by the fab Mrs M. You can find meal plans from other bloggers and recipe inspiration on her blog here.

Meal Planning Monday


0 thoughts on “Meal Planning Monday (w/c 2 September)

  1. Wow you're brave planning a months worth of meals…Well done you! I'm not that organised!
    Everything sounds fab! Especially the Caribbean spiced Chicken & the Pork and Lemon meatballs…Yum!

  2. Well done on clearing out the cupboards, cor all your meals sound great, I hope you share some of the recipes. I love the idea of a guinea pig night, might have to suggest that to my fav local restaurants! haha.

  3. We'll have to see about the full month! Teehee…I'm hopeful we're going to make it. The pork meatballs and orzo salad were lovely, recipe from bbc good food! Pictures on instagram and twitter.

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