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Everyone seems to be on a January detox or some sort of post-Christmas diet at the moment. My social media is crawling with pictures of fruit and cereal and bloody salad – in January!  None of that for me thank you! I’ve accepted my pot belly as a permanent fixture and I prefer to eat what I like and just make sure I stay active.

Looking at this smoothie, you’d be forgiven for thinking it was some sort of detox or health drink. It’s not! For fun, I posted the below picture on Instagram and asked people to try and guess what the secret ingredient was. Suggestions mainly veered towards the healthy end of the spectrum with several people saying ‘chia seeds’. One person came close with peanut butter. They get half a point but nothing more!

My secret ingredient smoothie 

The secret ingredient is actually… A whole MAXIBON ICE CREAM BAR! Yes. That’s right. 

So you see, this is not a detox smoothie at all! In fact, it’s not even vaguely healthy (despite the bananas) and is probably closer to a pudding than a drink. It is, however, totally and utterly delicious! You’ll be pleasantly surprised by the texture and flavour! Do give it a try!

Ingredients (makes enough for 4 small glasses)  

  • 2 frozen or fresh bananas
  • 1 tbsp chunky peanut butter
  • 200ml semi-skimmed milk
  • 4-5 ice cubes
  • 1 maxibon or similar frozen ice cream cake bar (yes really!)
Add all ingredients to the blender ready for whizzing.


  • Peel and chop the bananas into chunks
  • Throw everything into the blender
  • Blend it all for 30 seconds or until the consistency is smooth.
  • That’s it – now drink & enjoy!

If you don’t drink it all in one go, this smoothie will keep in the fridge for 1-2 days. It might settle so make sure to give it a shake before you drink it again.

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