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After Hours Fun at At Bristol

I’ve never really been one for science although I always enjoyed a trip to Snibston Discovery Park when I was little – sadly no longer there but a definite staple for most of my generation growing up in Leicestershire! There is something similar but on a bigger and better scale here in Bristol – it’s very well known and I’m sure you’ve guessed already –  I’m talking about @Bristol.

Several times a year, they run their After Hours event. It’s clever, ingenious even. Because… it’s an adult only evening. A chance for us to run around like kids and enjoy the place without having to a) look after children b) watch children have all the fun c) listen to children throwing tantrums. Add in beer, wine and cocktails and street food, you’ve got yourself a whole heap of fun. We went to their event in July 2016 and had a great time. Here’s what we got up to!


With a couple of traders to choose from at eat event, skip dinner and grab something there. We ate amazing veggie indian food from Gopal’s Curry Shack before heading inside.


Experimented on our tongues to see if we were super tasters (followed by ice-cream).

  • Participated in a survey run by Bristol university which involved eating pop corn and sitting in a fake beach wearing sunglasses.
  • Listened to a string quartet play to scenes of the Northern Lights.
  • Saw ourselves in 3D after dancing infront of a body scanner.
  • Pretended we were in space.
  • Saw parts of the Wallace & Gromit film set.
  • Dressed up as bees and did the honey dance.
All this in a few short hours and actually really educational. @Bristol is about real science in easy to understand chunks. Their various interactive areas cover food, space, the human body, movement, gravity and more.
Fun to be had at AfterHours @Bristol

To see when their next event is, click the link below. The After Hours event is ticketed and usually sells out so if you fancy it, get in quick. Buy your tickets here.

*At Bristol gave me a pair of complimentary tickets for their last After Hours event but did not expect a blog post in return. All opinions are my own – turns out science is fun!!*

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