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Since moving to Bristol, I’ve been truly gobsmacked by the extent of foodie culture here. It feels as though eating out, supporting independents and generally getting involved in food and drink is a huge part of life and I’m sure it’s going to directly influence the size of my pot belly. For now, I just don’t care, I want to eat everything in sight! 
Following my previous post on the Foodies Festival which is happening in Mid May on the Downs, there is another food festival for me to go to and it starts next week!  

Bristol Food Connections, now in it’s third year, will run from Friday 29 April to Saturday 7 May. It is organised by Bristol City Council, the BBC and Great Western Railway (GWR) and features literally hundreds of local suppliers, chefs, community groups and businesses.  
The festival which runs at different locations all over the city but with it’s main area set up at College Green, includes many fringe and community projects and is designed to connect people to all aspects of their food. From how and where it was grown, to who served it, how it tastes, how it makes us feel and the way it brings communities together. 
I’m signed up for a Radio 4 Food Programme talk with Diana Henry and am also very excited to be attending a cooking demo by two of my favourite instagrammers Elly Pear and Rosie Birkett. As if that’s not enough, I’ll also be heading out with some of the local food bloggers on a tasting tour of the city. What a great way for me to get to know my fellow bloggers and also find some foodie hidden gems too. 
Running alongside the festival is a project called the Bristol Good Food Diaries. As the title suggests, this is a collection of diaries written by foodie loving Bristol residents. I’m part of the project and will be off later this week to do a food shop using only independents and paying only with Bristol Pounds. It’s going to be an adventure so make sure you read all about it here
Trying to summarise all of the events and everything going on from the press release has taken up the last half an hour and to be honest, I can’t do it. There are just TOO MANY. So, please head over to the food connections website and look at the full programme of events. Have your diary to hand, there is so much on for all tastes and ages, from It educational tasting evenings, to industry talks, musical and theatrical performances, cookery demos and more. Ticket to many of these events are free so there really is no excuse not to get involved.  
If you’re a local to Bristol and haven’t signed up yet, definitely purchase The Bristol Food Card.  New to the festival this year, it aims to reward customers for shopping with Bristol’s independent restaurants & retailers which can only be a good thing. The card costs £5 here  and is delivered to your door, along with the festival programme. 
Food Connections encourages everyone to get involved, roll up their sleeves, learn new skills, gain insight and eat the world better! I for one am feeling really excited about it! Are you going? What are you most looking forward to? 

0 thoughts on “Bristol Food Connections 2016

  1. The festival looks great this year doesn't it, and there are so many speaker events this year I'm almost at a loss as to what to do…suppose I'd better camp out in the Street Food village then, huh?!
    I'm luck to be part of it but I'm also a big foodie and will be there with my family, and looking at it as a food festival just makes me realise just how amazing it is!
    Maybe see you there – I'll look out for your big eyes (Instagram reference!)

  2. I like your plan to camp out in the street food village! I totally agree, it looks fabulous, so much going on! Hehehe, do come and say hello if you spot me, I won't look as crazed as I do on instagram (hopefully!) 🙂

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