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A perfect end to the weekend.. PJs on, house nice and clean. A quiet peaceful  Sunday night. And, for the first time in a long time I’ve even had time to pull together a meal plan. With work taking up a lot of time for both of us, we’ve been eating later and later so I’ve planned meals which are simple and healthy and can be prepped in advance or don’t take too long to cook!


Lemon Chicken and Cous Cous – a recipe from one of my favourite slow cooker books Ultimate Slow Cooker.  I’ve browned the chicken and started the sauce tonight so all we need to do tomorrow is get it out the fridge, set the timer and go to work!


Lamb steaks with new potatoes and salad. This is so simple and really tasty. Lamb steaks are delish just sizzled on the griddle with a bit of olive oil and a good crack of black pepper and maldon sea salt. I’ve got some nice baby sundream tomatoes and some fresh red chillies so I’ll also throw together a quick salsa on the side too.


The hubby will have to fend for himself as I’m off for dinner with a couple of lovely fellow bloggers. We are trying out the new Blue Bell Inn in Rothley. I’ll report back soon!


Smoked Mackerel Salad – this is a recipe we first had in a Hello Fresh box and its something we have quite often. To be honest, its a good way of getting the hubby to eat fish! Lambs lettuce, radish, smoked mackerel and new potatoes. So fresh and yummy and surprisingly filling.


We have some mince in the freezer so I’m planning to make chilli & brown rice. When I was at the BBC Good Food Show earlier this week, I picked up some chipotle rub from Spicentice  and I think its going to add a really nice smokey flavour to the dish!


That seems like a long time away from now but I’d like to try and do some baking on Saturday and then we’re out sat night for a 30th birthday. Sunday – who knows!! That’s a long way away!

What are you eating this week? I’d love to see your meal plans! I’m linking up with Mrs M’s Meal Planning Monday. It’s a great place to find inspiration and ideas for what to cook! Go and take a look!

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0 thoughts on “Meal Planning Monday w/c 16 June

  1. The chicken and cous cous sounds very good. I love your salad spoons< I know spoons is probably the wrong word, but I am having a brain fart moment where the correct word is not arriving.

  2. That mackerel salad sounds lovely – I like making a BBC one with beetroot and spring onion! Also what lovely foodie bloggers could you be meeting on Wednesday… 😉 See you there! xx

  3. Thanks, they are great aren't they! I got them in South Africa.We had the lemon chicken last night, it was really good. I'll have to do it again and blog it!

  4. I have never tried smoked mackerel but this is the second time I've seen it in a recipe this week (first was on Save With Jamie in a pasta). I will have to see if it's available anywhere around here. Your week sounds very tasty!

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