Firstly you need comfy shoes, a trolley or big shopping bag (or you can buy them there!). Mummy Bites opts for her very jazzy trolley.. bought especially we might add! I would suggest short sleeves. It gets warm in there so you don’t want to be lugging coats and jumpers around.
It doesn’t need to be a military operation but a bit of planning will help and may even be the difference between meeting your favourite chef or cook. For example, if you want to see any of the demos at the smaller stages, you will need to be there at least ten mins prior for getting a seat! And if you’ve got tickets for the super theatre (lucky you!) then make sure you have your bearings about you. Waking from one side of the show to the other can take time when it’s busy and once they get started, the lights go own and you’ll have missed the boat!
Ahhh shopping! I always spend more than I plan to at the show! And for me, I like to check out the producer’s village. You’ll find lots of lovely artisan and small scale companies selling really excellent products and usually things you won’t find in the supermarket at home. Spend time chatting to the stall holders and you’ll find that the provenance and passion behind their brands make them all the more appealing!
Great tips, I do love the Good Food Show. I'd also add go early on a weekday if you can as it's not so crazy busy then.
Oooh that is a good tip and one I should have thought of! I always go on press day which is the quietest.. but then if you can handle the crowds, Sunday is good for bargains!