Gingey Bites Loading

We’re moving house on Saturday incidentally, we’re getting married the following Friday, throw in a new job and I think we’re all set for 2 weeks of intense stress! I’ll possibly have to rename this blog ‘Grey Bites’.

I always think anything can be achieved as long as you’re ORGANISED. Fortunately, I have more than a little of Monica in me (its a ‘Friends’ reference for those who don’t know) so, I’m all about the organisation. Because we have a lot going on at the moment with the wedding etc.. the packing started early and now, with 3 sleeps to go, we are pretty much finished.

2 pieces of advice – label your boxes by room and contents and invest in decent quality boxes. We’ve got archive boxes for books, kitchen stuff, DVDs, CDs and other small items – they are solid and have lids. Much better than odd boxes from all over the place, bashed up and held together with brown tape!

Archive boxes.. the way forward

Try these links:
Viking Direct Archive Boxes
Rajapack Recycled Archive Boxes 

When it came to packing up the kitchen I asked myself a number of questions:

What am I going to cook for the rest of the week?
Once I have a meal plan clear in my mind, I can pack ahead of time. Aim to use up anything in the freezer as this will need to be defrosted the day before the move.

What do I want to get rid of?
This is a great time to go through those cupboards and throw anything you won’t use or is out of date away! Highlights for me have been tinned summer fruits with a BBE of Oct 2010 and some apple sauce in the back of the fridge which was actually brown.. hmmmm

Do I want all my pots and pans? 
As with lots of people my age, since leaving uni I’ve been collecting odd pots, pans, mugs, plates etc… As a late 20-something lady, I’m reaching the point in my life when I want nice quality stuff so this is the perfect opportunity to have a look and decide what to keep and what to chuck. Do I really need 18 mismatching mugs and a motley collection of side plates? No! I’ve now packed the stuff I want to keep and we’re using the rejects – on moving day they’ll just go in the bin.

As you will know from previous posts – I’ll be getting married to the lovely Dave in 9 days. I’m very excited about going shopping after the wedding and buying lots of lovely new kitchen accessories from John Lewis! I already have my eye on a few bits and pieces … Watch this space!

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