Igniting a passion at the Black Country Living Museum
If I’m looking at my glass half full, I’d say that unemployment comes with its perks. I’ve had a lot of free time
Instant noodles, travel stories, eating out and home cooking
If I’m looking at my glass half full, I’d say that unemployment comes with its perks. I’ve had a lot of free time
Well it’s most definitely autumn and winter is on the way. Cold, foggy, miserable weather has been the usual here so so comfort
Food poverty in the UK is real. In Bristol, 26% of children live in households where there isn’t enough money to support a
This week, from Monday to Friday I was living below the line, with just £1 a day for all food and drink consumed.
It’s been a tough couple of months and if I’m honest, inspiration has run a little dry. In mid-August I was made redundant